
发布时间: 2021-01-26 发布来源: 科技史与科技考古系

郝锌颖,现任中国科学技术大学科技史与科技考古系特任副研究员,美国盖蒂文物保护研究所(Getty Conservation Institute)访问学者,武汉大学材料物理与化学博士。多学科交叉背景,主要从事“文化遗产微尺度及功能保护材料”研究,包括:1. 基于Py-GC/MS裂解产物library构建及机器学习建立同步识别文物复杂有机组分方法研究。2. 基于脂肪酸、有机酸、蛋白质组学和生物标记物等质谱学的有机残留物研究,以期深入探讨器物功能、先民的动植物利用、人类活动和东西方文化交流等若干问题。3. 有机质文物劣化路径、劣化产物的生成机理与劣化防控研究。4. 有机质文物保护功能材料的制备、保护材料与文物本体的作用机理及保护材料劣化降解后移除研究。


International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(国际生物大分子杂志)、Scientific Reports(科学报导)、Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(热裂解分析与应用杂志)、Microchemical Journal(微化学杂志)和New Journal of Chemistry(新化学杂志)等国际期刊上发表SCI论文18篇(单篇被引10次以上7篇),H因子为9,单篇最高被引26次,共被引155次;另发表中文核心论文7篇。


2020.09~  中国科学技术大学科技史与科技考古系特任副研究员。

2019.09~2020.09  美国盖蒂文物保护研究所(Getty Conservation Institute)访问学者。





1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于Py-GC/MS及机器学习建立同步识别文物复杂有机组分方法研究,22304170,(30万)。

2. 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,基于Py-GC/MS裂解产物指纹谱库的建立快速识别书画文物基质组成及劣化状态,2208085QB58,(10万)。

3. 山东大学科技考古教育部重点实验室项目,贾湖遗址随葬陶器有机残留物研究,KLAST.MoE202301,(3万)。

4. 湖北省文物考古研究院项目,新建襄阳至常德铁路襄阳至荆门段线路文物保护项目科技考古综合研究(10万)、湖北沿江高铁沿线各遗址科技考古综合研究(10万)。

5. 湖南省文物考古研究院项目,长株潭岳地区出土陶器残留物研究,(5万)。

6. 湖北省博物馆项目,出土饱水木漆器文物的彩绘及埋藏环境样品研究(5万)、郑家湖墓地出土饱水漆木器膜样品研究(5万)。

7. 中国科学技术大学校级项目,热裂解气相色谱串联质谱用于文物中蛋白质类添加材料的鉴定研究(1.5万)。


1. 山西大同华严寺泥塑及彩绘病害分析及相关保护材料研究。

2. 广西合浦博物馆严重矿化的青铜器腐蚀产物赋存状态分析研究。

3. 广西合浦出土完全矿化的汉代青铜器结构体的加固保护研究。

4. 乾陵石刻表面防风化保护材料及其工艺研究。

5. 湖北省博物馆古代漆器结构、成分和髹漆工艺研究;宋代温州漆器结构成分及髹漆工艺研究;清东陵漆木棺椁组成、结构和髹漆工艺的科学剖析。

6. 有机硅基复合材料在高度劣化漆木器保护中的应用研究。

7. 珍贵丝织品文物的修复和增强机理研究。


1. Xinying Hao; Xin Wang; Weimei Yang; Jiabing Ran; Fangfang Ni; Tong Tong; Wei Dai; Lingyue Zheng; Xinyu Shen; Hua Tong*; Comparisons of the restoring and reinforcement effects of carboxymethyl chitosan-silk fibroin (Bombyx Mori/Antheraea Yamamai/Tussah) on aged historic silk [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 124: 71-79.

2. Xinying Hao; Michael R.Schilling; Xin Wang; Herant Khanjian; Arlen Heginbotham; Jing Han; Stephanie Auffret; Xianjun Wu; Beisong Fang*; Hua Tong*;Use of THM-PY-GC/MS technique to characterize complex, multilayered Chinese lacquer [J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2019, 140: 339-348.

3. Xinying Hao; Hao Wu; Yang Zhao; Tong Tong; Xiaoyuan Li; Cui Yang; Yun Tang; Xinyu Shen; Hua Tong*; Analysis on the Composition/structure and Lacquering Techniques of the Coffin of Emperor Qianlong Excavated from the Eastern Imperial Tombs [J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 8446.

4. Xinying Hao; Hao Wu; Yang Zhao; Tong Tong; Xiaoyuan Li; Cui Yang; Yun Tang; Xinyu Shen; Shinian Liu; Hua Tong*; Scientific investigation of the lacquered wooden coffin of Xiang Fei excavated from Eastern Royal Tombs of the Qing Dynasty [J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 18(41): 9806-9814.

5. Xin Wang; Xinying Hao; Yang Zhao; Tong Tong; Hao Wu; Liya Ma; Xinyu Shen; Hua Tong*;Systematic study of the material, structure and lacquering techniques of lacquered wooden coffins from the Eastern Regius Tombs of the Qing Dynasty, China [J]. Microchemical Journal, 2021, 168.

6. Xinying Hao*; Xin Wang; Yang Zhao; Tong Tong; Yuxuan Gong; Identification of minerals and mineral pigments in lacquer by the comprehensive comparative analysis of spectroscopy information [J]. Spectroscopy Letters, 2021, 54 (6): 446-457.

7. Jing Han; Marianne Webb; Xinying Hao; Herant Khanjian; Michael R. Schilling; Surface appearance and morphology changes of Asian lacquer due to artificial aging: Impacts of traditional additives[J]. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2023, 63: 249-262.

8. Quan Chen; Feng Gao; Xin Wang; Xinying Hao; Hua Tong; Liya Ma; Xinyu Shen; Comprehensive Analysis of the Surface Decoration Layer of Buddha Statues from Dazu Rock Carvings in China [J]. Analytical Letters, 2022, 55 (13): 1-16.

9. Xin Wang; Gang Zhen; Xinying Hao; Tong Tong; Fangfang Ni; Zhan Wang; Jia Jia; Li Li; Hua Tong*; Spectroscopic investigation and comprehensive analysis of the polychrome clay sculpture of Hua Yan Temple of the Liao Dynasty [J]. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020, 240.

10. Xin Wang; Gang Zhen; Xinying Hao; Ping Zhou; Zhan Wang; JiaJia; Yan Gao; Shaohua Dong; Hua Tong*; Micro-Raman, XRD and THM-Py-GC/MS analysis to characterize the materials used in the Eleven-Faced Guanyin of the Du Le Temple of the Liao Dynasty, China [J]. Microchemical Journal, 2021, 171.

11. Hanhan Yang; Jianmeng Wu; Zhenxing Li; Xinying Hao; Hua Li; Preparation, Measurement of Densities, Viscosities, and Surface Tension Based on Biodegradable Non-Isocyanate Polyurethane Modified by Cellulose [J]. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023 06, 97(6): 1263-1271.

12. Weimei Yang; Xifei He; Zhaozhao Wang; Lijuan Lu; Ge Zhou; Jie Cheng; Xinying Hao; Research focus and theme trend on fulminant myocarditis: A bibliometric analysis[J]. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2022, 9.

13. Weimei Yang; Yu Liu; Tieying Zeng; Ying Wang; Xinying Hao; Weiqiang Yang; Hui Wang*; Research focus and thematic trends in magnet hospital research: A bibliometric analysis of the global publications [J]. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2021, 77 (4): 2012-2025.

14. Weimei Yang; Xinying Hao; Jia Qua; Lan Wang; Meng Zhang; Yun Jiang; Yu Liu*; Collaborative networks and thematic trends of research on the application of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: A bibliometric analysis [J]. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2019, 37: 58-67.

15. Longfei Wen; Ning Zhang; Huichang Li; Qiang Huang*; Xiaoru Wu; Xinying Hao; Mingjian Wu; Chunlan Ban; Jianhong Zhao; Ternary Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium for Mixtures of Water + (±)α-Phenylethylamine + n-Hexane at T = 298.2, 318.2, and 333.2 K [J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2017, 62 (6): 1819-1824.

16. Qiang Huang*; Xinying Hao; Laicong Qiao; Mingjian Wu; Guopeng Shen*; Shuang Ma; Measurement and thermodynamic functions of solid–liquid phase equilibrium of d-(−)-quinic acid in H2O, methanol, ethanol and (H2O+methanol), (H2O+ethanol) binary solvent mixtures [J]. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 100: 140-147.

17. Xinying Hao; Xiaoru Wu; Guopeng Shen*; Longfei Wen; Huichang Li; Qiang Huang; Thermodynamic models for determination of the solubility of (-)-shikimic acid in different pure solvents and in (H2O+ethanol) binary solvent mixtures [J]. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2015, 88: 8-14.

18. Xinying Hao; Qiang Huang*; Guopeng Shen*; Xiaoru Wu; Guoqin Hu; Chunlan Ban; Separation and Purification of (−)-Shikimic Acid and (−)-Quinic Acid by the Phase Diagrams of the Ternary System of (−)-Shikimic Acid + (−)-Quinic Acid + H2O and the Quaternary System of (−)-Shikimic Acid + (−)-Quinic Acid + Ethanol (φ  50%, φ  75%) + H2O [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (27): 6993-6998.


1.郝锌颖,张云帆,王鑫,童彤,南宋刻花填彩攒犀纹漆器残片的微损检测及髹漆工艺研究[J]. 文物保护与考古科学, 2023, 35 (2): 116-124

2.郝锌颖,李晓远,王鑫, 等; 三聚氰胺-乙二醛树脂在饱水古木脱水加固中的应用研究,江汉考古,2019S1115-121

3. 李澜,郝锌颖,杨燕,倪芳芳; 馆藏元代玉泉古琴结构和髹漆工艺的科学研究,文物保护与考古科学, 2020, 32(1):29-34

4. 甄刚,王鑫,郝锌颖,贾甲,倪芳芳,高燕,白雪松,童华,大同华严寺辽代彩绘泥塑颜料与胶结剂的科学剖析[J]. 文物保护与考古科学, 2022,34(5):32-42

5. 和玲,容波,任萌,郝锌颖;盖蒂保护研究所的亚洲漆快速识别方法[J]. 文物保护与考古科学, 2020,32(3):125-128

6. 李红标,张泽广,沈国鹏,郝锌颖, 等;木质素部分取代苯酚制备酚醛树脂及其泡沫的研究,塑料工业,201409122-125

7. 李红标,张泽广,沈国鹏,乔来聪,郝锌颖;改性木质素部分取代苯酚制备酚醛泡沫保温材料的研究,塑料科技, 20140963-66




